Ahh, traffic. Speaking that word elicits images of hot highways with cars sitting still for hours, bumper to bumper. If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you should be learning to love traffic! To your website, that is—not on the…
Graphic design is a visual form of communication. It passes on messages and ideas through imagery. Not sure how valuable it is? Check out these famous logos redesigned using Comic Sans. The much-maligned font completely changes the image of each…
Your online presence can either make you or break you in today’s market. It’s great to have a professionally designed logo, quick response time, and appealing photos on your site. However, if you’re lacking in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) category,…
82% of marketers state that SEO is becoming a more effective means of generating business. Thus, if you’re looking for a way to market your general contractor business, you might want to give SEO a try. That said, SEO success…
Search engine optimization (SEO) should be top on your list when you are trying to get the most out of your marketing. While you can handle plenty of your own SEO strategies, it makes a lot more sense to outsource.…
Looking for ways to optimize video? Maybe you’re a YouTuber or have just got some promotional videos for your website, so you want to attract more traffic online. You have to follow the best practices for search engine optimization (SEO). This may sound…
Being a photographer in the digital age means you’re responsible for a lot more than capturing and editing images. You’re probably also a one-person marketing department, sales team, and web designer. If you’re working hard to fill all of these…
How much time do you spend looking at apps on your smartphone? Studies show that the average smartphone user spends over two hours every day using apps. That’s a lot of time in front of your customer’s eyes! So finding the…
Leads from search convert over eight times more than those from outbound marketing techniques. But, you have to rank high first to get those leads. SEO helps your pages rank. There are over 200 factors that Google considers important when…
SEO is a set of rules that help you optimize your website for search engines, as well as improve your search engine rankings. It increases the quality of your website by making it faster, more user-friendly, and easier to navigate…