Category: SEO Tips and Tricks

5 Incredible Advantages of SEO for Your Business in 2020

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Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second. That’s about 1.2 trillion searches annually across the globe. With every search that’s relevant to your business, you have the potential to reach out to a quality customer. Attracting new leads is…

What Is SEO and How It Works for Small Businesses

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Do you keep hearing about SEO digital marketing? This stands for “Search Engine Optimization” marketing.  Since everything is on the internet nowadays, your ability to be discovered by users online can make or break your business.  Despite this, under one-third of small…

5 Essential SEO KPIs You Should Always Track

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Have you been pouring hours and a steady flow of cash into SEO? That’s a good start but how do you know you’re getting closer to your goals? Is your SEO campaign helping you increase traffic, leads, and profits? You…