Author: SEO

10 Things to Know about the SaaS Business Model

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The US Software industry is an absolute juggernaut that contributes 1 trillion dollars to the GDP yearly. As businesses become increasingly reliant on tech for their problems, we’re seeing that massive number continue to inch upwards. If you’re a software…

8 Brilliant Ways to Boost Blog Traffic Fast

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Given the development of the internet over the past decade or so, there are probably over 250 million active blogs online. As a consequence, bloggers have become increasingly frustrated at trying to increase their blog readership numbers. It takes a…

7 SEO Tools to Use for Better Youtube Video Promotion

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In today’s digital world, video content is king. In fact, it’s believed that video content will drive 82% of all Internet traffic by 2021. And since YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google, it’s important you optimize your…