Getting your small business off the ground is tough. It’s not enough to focus on your business goals and concentrate on what you know. You have to have a killer marketing strategy and world-class marketing ROI (that’s “return on investment,”…
Are you a You-Tuber? If not, why not? It’s a great hobby but it’s also a great way of earning money in this pandemic. If you are bored, with no one to speak to, and are sat at home then…
Did you know that there are 5.11 billion unique mobile users in the world? If your company has no clear strategy when it comes to online marketing, you are missing out on a lot of business. If you’ve been lacking…
Did you know that Google dates back to 1995? While it’s one of the biggest brands today, that wasn’t always the case. Are you looking to capitalize on Google’s traffic and are asking yourself, how do Google Ads work? In…
The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on brick-and-mortar businesses throughout the country in 2020. But the e-commerce industry has flourished. E-commerce sales have been up about 30% this year, which has been great for all the e-commerce business owners out there. If…
Marketing—it’s so much more than billboards. Many companies don’t fully understand how important marketing is for the success of their company. Marketing is an umbrella term, referring to any type of promotion or advertising for your business. It can be…
Decentralized exchanges solve several issues caused by centralized exchanges. This includes mismanagement, arbitrary fees, and the risk of hacking. While this is true, decentralized exchanges have unique problems, with the biggest being the absence of liquidity – which means there…
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is UX design?” Are you considering a career in UX design but want to know what to expect? As a shorthand for user experience, UX designers are tasked with designing the interaction between humans…
Did you know the attention span of a consumer is about 8 seconds at most? You have a moment to capture someone’s attention and get them to buy your product or service. Not only do you have to get your…
Around 72% of customers wait until they’ve read reviews before taking action. Customer testimonials let prospects learn more about a product, whether it will benefit them, and if it’s worth their money. Perhaps you’re on the fence about creating a…