5 Ways to Improve Your Billing Company’s SEO

billing companys seoYou’re not a Doctor, Nurse, or Pharmacist, but you’ve always wanted to work in the medical field. Starting your own medical billing company may be your best option. According to Entrepreneur, you can earn $40,000 per year running a medical billing service from your home office.

You can even do it part-time. The only downside is there’s a steep learning curve for this line of business. Experience is important, as well gaining a certification.

Of course, if you don’t mind putting in the effort and really want to succeed in this field, you have to promote your business well. That means creating marketing materials and implementing some good ol’ SEO.


Now, if you’re already doing SEO but still want to attract more leads, here are 5 ways to improve your strategy.

1. Review Your Keywords

How you describe your services should match how potential clients are searching for them. If you already have a list of keywords and you’re not seeing the needle move in terms of visits to your site or conversion, you may need to reassess your list.

You should also look at your competitors’ keyword phrases. You can use a tool for this that can help you optimize your landing pages and target high-volume keywords for your link building and optimization campaigns.

2. Optimize for Mobile

Is your site mobile-friendly? If it’s not, you’re losing out on a lot of potential clients. Nowadays, a lot of people use their smartphones to search for what they need. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you can bet that your customers are heading over to your competitors’ sites.

Not to mention that an unresponsive website can lead to lower search rankings.

3. Learn from the Best

When it comes to content, you should look at top sites in your niche.

On their homepage, you can see how they clearly presented the problem most hospitals and private practitioners face and offer their unique solution (The Apache Solution).

Obviously, you can’t just copy paste their content. You have to create your own based on the list of keywords you’re targeting and make it relevant to your clients’ needs.

4. Give It Some Time

SEO doesn’t offer instant results. If you’re making some changes, set a baseline and allow yourself at least two weeks to have enough data.

You should also take the time to understand what your data is telling you. Which keywords are performing for you? How is your current traffic?

Factor in all these things before you make major changes or overhaul your medical billing site.

5. Track Your Progress

If you’ve taken the time to implement SEO best practices for your medical billing site, you should also make sure that you are tracking results. Remember: Guesswork has no place in a solid SEO strategy. If you can measure your results, you can definitely improve it.

Need Help with Your Site’s SEO?

Take advantage of free web tools and keep yourself updated on SEO news.

You may also want to consider Google Adwords advertising if you want more predictable results. Learn all about Free SEO and Paid SEM here if you want to know more about what these two can do for your online marketing efforts.