Social Media Marketing 101: How to Use Social Media for Marketing

Social Media Marketing

In 2020, over 3.8 billion people use social media. This means that your target audience is somewhere on the internet and your company just needs to figure out the best ways to reach them.

Promoting and growing your business can be done in many different ways, but in our world that is filled with technology, social media marketing is going to be the best way to do it. It’s a great place to start growing your audience and producing awesome content.

Keep reading for our guide on social media marketing 101.

Decide Which Platforms You Will Use


Choosing the right social media platforms for your business is crucial when it comes to using social media for marketing. There are going to be many things that come into play and you don’t want to overload yourself by creating too many social media accounts.

If you’re just now starting your social media marketing journey, then start by creating one or two social media accounts. You can start with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other platform that you feel like you will find your target audience.

You should also think about what type of content you will want to post. If you want to post long videos, then you will probably want to make a YouTube account. On the other hand, if you want to focus more on creating photos for your content, then Instagram will be the best bet for your company.

Make a Posting Schedule

Another reason why you don’t want to create too many social media accounts when you’re just starting out is that you want to be consistent when you post. A great way to stay consistent with your social media marketing is by creating a posting schedule.

An example of a posting schedule is to post every day at 11 am or every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 pm. It is completely up to you, as long as you make sure that you’re consistently posting.

You could even aim to post multiple times a day if you are able to! This could definitely help to attract more people to follow your page. You should make sure that you are posting quality content and not just focusing on the quantity of your content.

Once you’ve started posting regularly on your social media, you can experiment and see when the best time to post is. Try and figure out when people are more likely to interact with your posts so you can keep posting around that time.

The higher the engagement on your post, the better! It is an awesome way to attract new followers who could be interested in your company and your products.

Engage With Your Followers

As we just mentioned, you want engagement on your posts so make sure that you’re engaging with your followers as well! There are plenty of ways for businesses to be social on social media and it’s a great way to build relationships with your clients.

When you post any type of content, people will likely make comments. Be sure to respond to as many as you can!

You can also like the comments just to show that you’re there for your followers. This is a great way for businesses to promote engagement on their posts.

You can also post other types of content that promote engagement. Questions, polls, as well as anything else that requires feedback, are all ways to get your followers talking. Be sure to keep the conversation going as well!

Create Shareable Content

You might still be wondering how to market on social media! One of the best ways to do so is to create shareable content.

Social media content isn’t just a regular advertisement for your company. Instead, you want to create content that sparks the interest of your target audience and is something that they will actually enjoy.

Ultimately, you want your audience to share your content with their followers. When they share your content, then you’re getting a free promotion which can then lead to more people following you. In the end, you’ll have more eyes on your content and hopefully on your products as well.

Content for social media can be made in tons of different ways! You can make text posts, photos, or even videos for your followers to enjoy. You might even want to make a blog post and promote it through your social media accounts.

If you’re having trouble creating content that reaches your target audience, then check out the Newswire press release. It’s an affordable way for small businesses to reach their target audience efficiently.

Use Your Direct Messages

Another great part of social media marketing is talking to your clients through direct messages. Getting in touch with your clients is much easier, thanks to social media. In fact, it is literally just a click of a button to talk with someone.

Your customers can use direct messages on social media to ask you any questions, comments, or concerns that they might have. As a business owner, you should aim to answer direct messages as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Answering direct messages within an hour can help to make your clients happy and satisfied with your services. It can help to get their problems resolved in a timely manner and they will feel happy that they talked with a real person.

Many people also don’t feel like picking up the phone to resolve issues. Talking with someone through direct messages is much easier. It is also great to have a log of a conversation with a customer in case any more issues arise in the future.

Learning Social Media Marketing 101

Once you learn social media marketing 101, your business will start gaining new clients and reaching your target audience in no time. Make sure that you continue to use these tips and tricks as you get more followers on each of your social media accounts.

Remember, there are always new trends and things to look out for when it comes to social media. Try to stay on top of the next big thing so your brand can stand out.

Be sure to check out our website if you’re looking for more advice for your marketing strategy.