How to Build a LinkedIn Profile That Will Take You to the Top of Your Career


Did you know that over 660 million people use LinkedIn?


LinkedIn is popular because it can be an invaluable tool for anyone that’s trying to improve the trajectory of their career. That said, you’ll only reap the benefits of LinkedIn if you have a stellar profile.

Read on, and you’ll learn how you can create a LinkedIn profile that’ll attract an abundance of opportunities. Whether you’re new to the workforce, or you’re a seasoned professional, you should be able to give your career a boost with the help of these tips.

Let’s begin!

Work on the Header and Profile Summary

The first thing you need to do is work on is the header and profile summary associated with your account.

Your header should make it easy for people to understand the industry you’re in and what you specialize in. You can do this by including keywords that are associated with your skills.

For instance, if you’re a software developer, you might mention the programming languages you work with. So, you could include keywords such as ‘JavaScript’ or ‘Python.’

Your profile summary is the bit that appears below the header.

This section should provide people with a brief overview of your experience, your skills, and what you’d like to do in the future.

In this section, you may want to mention some notable events within your career.

For example, if you’re a salesperson, you could mention that you were the top salesperson in your company. You could even describe the amount of revenue you’ve generated for your employer.

Have a Good Profile Picture

Once you’ve worked on the headline and profile summary, you then need to think about the picture associated with your profile.

LinkedIn is a professional platform, and so it’s important that your profile picture reflects this. Following this, you may want to wear formal clothing in the picture, and you should also use a relatively neutral background.

While you can create a great picture using your phone, you may want to enlist the help of a company that provides corporate headshots. In doing so, you can ensure that your picture will represent you in the best possible way.

Mention Your Experience and Education

LinkedIn also has a section that allows you to note down your experience and education.

If you want to court the attention of recruiters and potential employers, this section is especially helpful. That’s because if you’re interested in securing a particular role, you can use this section to show people that you have a relevant background.

Do You Know How to Create a Good Linkedin Profile?

Using the tips in this post, you should be able to create a LinkedIn profile that’ll attract a ton of opportunities.

If you need some inspiration, you may want to look at the profiles that belong to other people in your industry. You can then learn from these profiles, and perhaps emulate some of the things that work well.

You’ll probably need to tweak your profile many times before you end up with something that you’re happy with. This process will probably take some time, but it’s worth it when you consider the upside of having an optimized profile.

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