It seems like businesses these days are getting more and more desperate for attention. At least, that’s what it feels like when you (as an individual) scroll through your social media feeds.
The average person sees more than a thousand ads per day! So as a business owner, how do you make sure they pay attention to your ad and don’t just scroll past it?
You invest in a successful marketing strategy. Learn what that means, below.
1. Know Your Audience
Knowing who you’re marketing to is half the battle – maybe even three-fourths of it. If you’re not spending the time and money to figure out exactly where your ads should go, why are you paying for them at all?
Everything from where you advertise to what kind of copy you write depends on the right target audience. But, then, what if you have multiple? Or a different one for different ranges of products?
You guessed it – you should have multiple audiences. To make it easier to keep track of who’s who and who wants what, create marketing personas or avatars. These are fake people you’ve created that embody your target audience.
For example, you have Judy, the newly-retired 68-year-old, who lives in South Florida, and likes to play golf and do water aerobics. Don’t be afraid to get imaginative with the details. You want to be able to ask yourself “would Judy buy this?” and have enough information to get an answer.
Caroline, on the other hand, is the young mother of two. She has a bachelors degree but does something only semi-related to her college major. She spends most of her days trying to balance work, family, and figure out if there’s any time left over for herself.
2. Understand Generational Copy Differences
Boomers (people born from __- to ___) like to see ads that explain why they’re getting good value for their money. Convince them that they’re spending their money intelligently and you’ve got a new customer.
Millennials, however, are more interested in lower costs and higher convenience. As we’re sure you know, they have less money, per capita, than the generation before them.
That doesn’t mean they won’t buy high-cost products but plan to offer coupon codes or even payment plans – and make it known that you do so.
3. Have a Cart Abandonment Strategy
This point and the next point flow together, but they’re both important – so stick with us. If you process products or orders online, you know the disappointment of cart abandonment all too well.
If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s when clients put something in their cart or even checkout part-way, but never hit “submit order”.
The sales lost on cart abandonment, for most businesses, could pay your commercial rent alone. So how do you stop losing money and potential sales?
You have to have a strategy and get the customer’s information early. The sooner you get their email, the better chance you have at …
4. A Successful Remarketing Campaign
Remarketing is just what it sounds like … marketing to the same person, again. You’ve probably experienced it yourself. Have you ever felt like a certain product or website was following you around the internet, via ads and sidebars?
Do you accidentally click on one Facebook ad once and then see ads from that company twice as often?
That’s a remarketing strategy. The company is trying to remind you of their services and products – they might even incentivize you to purchase.
Email remarketing campaigns are relatively successful. The title looks something like “Hey Name, Did you forget this?” and the subject says “here’s 10% off to complete your purchase”.
Now you’ve not only reminded the customer that they wanted something, but you’re giving them a deal if they come back and check out.
Now – how you get their information in the first place, especially if they only put something in their cart, is another matter. To do that you have to have …
5. Clear and Compelling Calls-to-Action
There are two main issues with sites and their calls-to-action. They either have too many and it’s not clear what the customer is supposed to do – or they don’t have one at all.
Your call-to-action strategy should be one and done, on every page. You either want the client to create an account or sign in if they already have.
Give them a pop-up once or twice, then leave them alone – but make it obvious where they can make an account if they change their mind.
Giving them an option to connect through another social media source, like Google or Facebook, makes signing up with you sound easier to them – and you still get their information.
6. Know the Value of a Click
Another sweet spot you have to ride is how much money to spend on each click, vs how much the actual conversion is worth.
If you’re selling a product that has a profit of $300, you can afford to spend two dollars per-click, if you know that person has a high likelihood of conversion.
That’s the gamble you take with spending more per click. You’re going to spend more, but if you have it set up correctly, you’ll get fewer low-quality clicks, and more high-quality leads.
Setting up that whole thing, on Google Ads, is complicated. You’ll have yourself asking, what is an advertising agency in Google’s view, anyway?
Get a professional to help you at least set up your campaigns. You’ll be glad you did.
Creating a Successful Marketing Strategy
You should spend just as much money developing and testing your ads as you do actually running them. At first, that may mean you put less cash into your campaigns.
But as you figure out what’s going to be a successful marketing strategy for you, your development costs will lessen.
Want to know how it all works on the back-end or Google-end? Click around on our site to learn more.