B2B marketing is more competitive than ever.
With today’s growing technology and expanding social media reach. Your competition is gaining new advantages every day.
Don’t let your company be left in the dust. It’s time to get into the game. If you haven’t joined the LinkedIn community yet, then you’re missing out. That’s because LinkedIn isn’t like other social media platforms.
LinkedIn is a place for professionals to network and share information on a variety of industries. They’re passionate business-minded people just like you! LinkedIn also offers marketing features that allow you to effectively get in front of your audience.
LinkedIn will open doors for your business in the B2B networking world like never before. There are plenty of LinkedIn marketing solutions to choose from. You’ll find one or more that fit into your business’ strategy.
Read on to find out how LinkedIn marketing solutions can turn your company into a B2B marketing mogul.
Network Across the World
LinkedIn is a great resource for B2B marketing because it connects you with businesses around the world. It is a social media platform that is geared towards professionals, so your presence on LinkedIn will align you with other reputable people.
According to LinkedIn, they host 610 million users from over 200 countries and territories! 90 million of who are senior-level influencers. That’s a lot of potential connections!
More than 70% of LinkedIn members are located outside of the U.S. That means you can expand your global reach and connect to international companies with minimal effort. You can also advertise to an audience across the world without breaking your budget.
LinkedIn Ads
Just like many other top social media websites, LinkedIn offers its own advertisement options. You can reach a wide range of audiences at a reasonable price that fits your company’s budget.
The added benefits of advertising on LinkedIn is the demographic is specific to business professionals. So you’ll find customers who are serious about taking action.
LinkedIn advertisements are ready to display across all devices including mobile, tablet, or desktop. You can reach your audience no matter where they are or what they are using.
LinkedIn offers a variety of different types of ads including video, text, and dynamic ads that are automatically personalized to match an individual’s information. You can also purchase display ads that appear alongside your audience’s newsfeed.
Doing a combination of these types of ads will yield better results. It will also give you a better understanding of what works best for your audience.
Sponsored InMail
LinkedIn allows users to send private messages to one another using their InMail feature. This is a great way to reach out to specific individuals on more specific topics. For example, if you can reach out to see if someone was interested in a job position or if they had advice on a particular scenario.
InMail is also a place where you can send targeted messaging. With Sponsored InMail you can pay to have targeted messages sent to invite your audience to events, attend a webinar, or for promotions and discounts. These are a great way to get your potential customers’ attention and offer them something special.
Accurate Data
Because LinkedIn is geared towards the working individual, profiles are more readily kept up-to-date. Therefore you know your ads are getting accurate data in real time.
This will also help you closely target your key demographic. You won’t have to use guesswork to figure out who your audience is. All the information and tracking capabilities you need will be right at your fingertips.
You can also use contact targeting where you are able to upload a specific list of contacts that you’d like to advertise to. You can even trace the LinkedIn accounts of people who visited your website and follow up with ads to keep them engaged.
Showcase Your Credibility
LinkedIn is a platform that allows you to impress your clients by featuring your recommendations. When past customers or people you’ve worked with appreciate your work, they can leave a personalized recommendation on your profile.
This allows you to gain credibility quickly. Your potential customers can see at a glance that you are trustworthy.
Conversion Tracking
If you’re wondering how many people you’ve marketed to are making it to your website and taking an action, then you will want to take advantage of LinkedIn’s conversion tracking.
This allows you to follow your target audience from start to finish of your ad campaign. You can see how well your ads are working in a variety of ways. Did your customers download content, sign up for a newsletter, or make a purchase? You will know exactly how well your campaign is doing.
You can even track LinkedIn members who saw your ad but didn’t click through. Then make adjustments to your campaign and see how it improves.
Build Your Business Page
If you have a personalized profile already on LinkedIn, bravo! But your business won’t be complete until you also have created a LinkedIn page for your company. This will be a branded page that allows other members to follow your content.
As you post information on your page, your followers will see the update in their newsfeeds. Download the mobile app so you can stay on top of comments and respond quickly to your followers’ questions.
On your page, you can create a customizable call to action button and encourage members to engage further with you. Plus, you can share content from other profiles including your employees’ posts as well as posts from members who mention your business.
Career Pages are an added feature to LinkedIn Pages. These are an area where you can showcase your business’ unique culture by posting images and videos that highlight who you are. Get creative with Career Pages to give a more in-depth look by telling your brand’s story.
Blog Often
On LinkedIn, you have access to the key players in your industry. That’s why we recommend starting your own blog and posting as often as you can. Make sure the content is useful and high quality, your speaking to an audience of professionals.
Make sure you respond to any comments and keep the conversation going. You should also engage with other people’s blogs and interact with leaders in your field. You can show how you are an expert in your field and become a resource for others looking for answers.
Then when your readers need to purchase services, they’ll go to you for help. Create a name for yourself by showing an interest in your community, it’s easy to find them on LinkedIn!
Be Authentic
If you are going to enter into a playing field of other business professionals, then they’ll be able to tell if you aren’t being honest. LinkedIn is a way to create real connections, not just try to sell stuff.
When you reach out and “link” with others, the idea is to find mutually beneficial partnerships. Just because someone allows you to connect with them, doesn’t mean you can spam them with ongoing advertisements and emails.
There are some rules that professionals follow on LinkedIn. If you don’t follow the appropriate etiquette you’re going to be quickly shut out. No one likes to be bombarded with sales messages, so always be authentic when reaching out for a connection.
Recruit Experts
LinkedIn is not only a great way to find other companies, but it’s also an opportunity to resource employees. You can list job postings or search for the right candidate directly on LinkedIn.
Maybe you’re searching for a consultant or other services for your business. You can find the resources you need to grow your business. LinkedIn makes it convenient to search for experts in a variety of areas.
Outside vendors are a great resource if you’re not sure where to begin. Digital Shift Media can help you get started with your marketing strategy.
Plus, you might be able to exchange services and help each other’s businesses grow. Consider sharing their business on your blog in exchange for their expertise or product. LinkedIn is a place where businesses can lift each other up and expand together.
Join Niche Groups
If there’s an industry out there, then LinkedIn has a professional group for it. Join groups that are related to your industry and become part of a larger conversation. Groups are an effective way to create connections with other like-minded businesses.
These will help you stay on top of upcoming changes and trends in your industry. It is also a great place to meet other professionals in your field. You can further build your credibility and brand awareness by networking in some of these groups.
Take Advantage of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
There are so many ways that your business can benefit from LinkedIn. Whether it’s through the endless networking possibilities or the targeted advertisements, you can make B2B connections instantly with this social media platform.
Ready to get started on your own LinkedIn marketing solutions? You won’t regret stepping into the LinkedIn marketing arena. Once you get started you’ll wonder why you didn’t join sooner.
Do you have your own LinkedIn pages or profile? Share how you are benefiting from LinkedIn marketing solutions and what has worked for you in the comments below.