How to Crush SEO With Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Dynamic Keyword Insertion

You think you’ve finally managed to carve out a niche for yourself and master the use of your keywords. Now, however, you’ve begun to hear about the benefits of a search engine optimization strategy called “dynamic keyword insertion.”

You’d obviously like to reap the benefits of putting this strategy to use. This newfound strategy, though, sounds somewhat intimidating.


Luckily for you, dynamic keyword insertion is not as complex as it sounds.

Even so, the difficulties of using this strategy should not be overlooked; like any strategy, it has its pitfalls. That said, follow along as we brief you on the pros and cons of dynamically inserting keywords.

What Is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

Some of you might be thinking that this technique has something to do with your content. Unfortunately, though, there are no cheat codes that allow you to make your site’s content dynamic.

When we talk about dynamic keyword insertion, we’re instead talking about dynamic ad text which leads people to your content. If you’ve ever invested in an ad, you probably know quite a bit about ad text.

If you haven’t yet incorporated ads into your marketing campaign, Google can give a quick rundown on ad groups and how they’re used.

In order to understand why dynamic ad text is useful, you have to understand why static ad text is not always useful. Unlike dynamic ads, static ads display the same copy regardless of what a user searches for. As a result, your static ads’ chances of attracting visitors are not ideal.

Dynamic ads increase traffic to sites by showing different keywords to each customer. The keyword that a potential client sees is determined by the specific strings that are present in that client’s search engine query.

If that explanation is confusing, feel free to refer to Google’s “About keyword insertion” page to get nice, clean example of keyword insertion. The page also touches on the syntax users must rely on in order to take advantage of keyword insertion.

What Are Its Benefits?

Now that we’ve had a conversation on what dynamic keyword insertion is, we’ll start discussing a couple of the biggest benefits of relying on keyword insertion. While there are several benefits, the two that we’ve listed below are some of the most important ones.

Gives Short-Tail Keywords More Utility

You know what a short-tail keyword is, even if you don’t think you do. Generally speaking, short-tail keywords are short and nonspecific, which is why they’re also popular choices for search engine queries. As a result, the competition for dominance over short-tail keywords is fierce.

Take, for instance, the short-tail keyword “free movies.” The legality of piracy aside, we know that there is a market for free films on the internet. We also know that when people go looking for sites that offer free movies, they are likely to type those words into the search bar.

Now think about what would happen if people instead searched for “free horror movies” or “free action movies.”

If the owner of a website that offered free movies only used static ads, its ad text would always read “free movies.” If the owner instead invested in dynamic ads, its ad text could better reflect different search engine queries to get visitors to his or her site.

Allows You To Target More Users

We already touched on this one during our discussion about short-tail keywords. Even so, there is nothing wrong with being a little more explicit.

To be blunt, if someone types “free action movies” into Google’s search bar and your site happens to have a small selection of action films, you can still market to that crowd.

What Are The Risks?

Despite the benefits of using keyword insertion, we’ll be honest about the fact that a lot of things can go wrong if you don’t use this strategy correctly. Having said as much, we’re going to quickly go over a few of the ways in which dynamic keyword insertion falls short.

It’s Not Ideal For Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords don’t get the same treatment as short-tail keywords when we talk about keyword insertion, primarily because there is an upper limit (25 max) on the number of characters which your ads will display.

To be honest, you’re not going to get much use out of dynamic keyword insertion if users enter long-tail keywords. Those long keywords can cause your ad text to exceed 25 characters. In such cases, your default keyword will be put on display.

As a result, you need to carefully consider how people go about searching for the keywords you target.

Keyword Insertion Can Be Abused

We trust you not to abuse keyword insertion. Still, we feel as if we have to tell you to be careful about which keywords you choose to dynamically insert.

Consider our example about a website which pirates movies. Now let’s say that this site dynamically inserts “documentary movies.”

The problem? The site doesn’t have any documentaries available to users.

Needless to say, this insertion is nothing more than a false advertisement. This shady practice will catch up with the site’s owner.

Legal Problems

If you know what a trademark is, you know that you can get into serious legal trouble if you try to use one that doesn’t belong to you for personal gain.

In other words, do not, under any circumstances, insert trademarked terms into your ads. You definitely won’t like what happens if you ever decide to do something of this nature.

Even if you think that the keywords you’re inserting are not trademarked, do a bit of research before finalizing your decision.


All in all, dynamic keyword insertion is powerful, though only if used properly. You truly can take your search engine optimization to the next level if you learn how to use this technique to your benefit. That said, we seriously recommend that you give it a try.

Of course, if you’re a total SEO newbie, you’ll want to take things slowly and decide on a keyword for your site before you start thinking about keyword insertion. As they say, “one step at a time.”