What Is UI? A Beginners Start


Have you ever seen one of those “UX/UI” terms and was left wondering, what is UI? What is UX? They look pretty much the same, don’t they?

They are like a branch and a tree.

This article will help you to understand what is UX and UI, and what the difference is between the two.


Hang on to your hat because we’re diving in!

What Are UX And UI?

UI stands for “user interface.” UX stands for “user experience.”

While these two terms are closely related and are often used in lieu of one another, they do refer to different things in the UI/UX space.

User Experience

User experience refers to the totality of a user’s encounter with a digital product such as a website or a mobile app. The point of UX is to create products with the most seamless experience.

Everything from the design and layout of the product to the words on the product contributes to the user’s experience. People who work on UX teams are divided into categories of UX researchers, UX designers, and UX writers.

For good measure, it is fair to throw in the UX/UI term before the title as they refer to almost the same concept.

Businesses have found that when they invest in UX, their customers are more likely to stay and follow through with the user journey experience. In fact, every dollar spent on UX has an ROI of $2-$100.

It makes sense to invest in UX.

User Interface

User interface refers to the actual screens on an app or the layout of a website from which users begin to interact with the product.

If it makes it easier for you to remember, think “screen” as in the “face” in the term, user interface.

For example, when you download an app and open it, the display screen that pops up is called a “user interface.” The app will ask you to either sign up or log in with credentials.

UI contributes to the overall user experience. Poor UI design leads to confusion, user dropout, cart abandonment, and more.

Are you looking for a way to improve your product’s overall UI? Hire a dedicated web design team at: https://www.seocycle.com.au/web-design/.

Intuitive UI web design increases user retention and leads to more revenue. This is a sound investment.

What Is UI Design?

The process for each dedicated UI team will vary from company to company, and even from team to team. However, there are a few common stages that each UI/UX design team goes through.

User Research Stage

All UI/UX teams must first perform research on users. User researchers learn all about the users–their motivations and feelings, lifestyles, pain points.

They collect information on where users are having trouble either with or without the product and try to come up with an innovative solution to address that problem.

Rough Draft Stage

This stage merely refers to the conception of the solution by use of rough sketches and wireframes. This stage lays out the different parts of the user interface.

Design Stage

You drew the lines in the last stage. Now, you work with colors, fonts, and everything else that makes the product more lively and appealing to the eye. It’s like breathing life into the product.

Tweak The UI Stage

You’ve got the design with colors and fonts. Now, you have to make sure the UI is responsive and intuitive. This includes adding navigation and content such as images that lead the user through the product with ease.

Evaluate The Design

Because the point is to create the most intuitive products, you don’t know whether your design works until you test it and receive feedback. Always use this feedback to improve your future designs.

Reiterate, improve, and repeat.

Build A Product That Works

Those new to the UX/UI space might be scratching their heads asking themselves, what is UI? How is UI any different from UX?

If you’ve made it this far, hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two about what distinguishes UX from UI, and how they’re both important to user retention.

If you’re on your way to building a new digital product or would like to improve your existing one, be sure to invest in good UI or web design!

For more tips on growing and expanding the reach of your digital product, check out more of our articles!