Plenty of people are happy with their jobs. If you’re not one of them, how can you break out of your boring career and find something you really love?
Whether you despise your cubicle, don’t feel a passion for what you’re doing or want to explore a new path, there’s a perfect job out there for you. The only problem is finding it.
Luckily, we’ve got seven great options for you. Keep reading to see which one of these fun careers you want to try out next!
1. Pet Groomer
Pet grooming is a job you can find almost anywhere. It’s perfect for those who love animals, especially dogs.
You will need some training to properly bathe, trim, groom, and even style pets’ fur. You’re sure to work with a variety of dogs with different needs, which means you’ll never be bored.
Pet groomers can be found in vets’ offices, in boarding facilities, in pet grooming stores, and even in mobile units. Some pet groomers even make house calls.
Want to be creative as a groomer? There are competitions where you can dye and cut pet fur in unique and artistic ways.
2. Online Reviewer
Here’s a job you can start from your couch! Reviewing stuff and posting it online can earn you some serious green, but you need to know how to do it right.
First off, you have to establish your niche. It can be reviewing only certain items, like organic beauty products, or from a unique perspective, like as a single mom.
Next, find out where you’ll be doing reviews. To monetize your reviews, your best bets are to start a blog with ads and affiliate links or to create a YouTube channel.
The most important key is to be consistent. Having some basic SEO skills to find your best keywords doesn’t hurt, either.
3. Property Manager
This job sounds like it’s boring at first but hear us out. There are tons of unique and interesting properties that need someone to watch over them.
Various property manager responsibilities can range from collecting rent to marketing available spaces. You’ll have to use different skills, like everything from interior design to lawn maintenance, to make sure things are running smoothly.
Imagine being asked to watch over a luxurious rental property or even an island getaway. Start searching and you’re sure to find a place you’d be happy to look after.
4. Writer
Being a writer means that you’re the author of your own destiny. If you’ve ever felt that you have a story inside of you or that you need to share your knowledge with the world, writing might just be the way to go.
The thing is, you don’t have to start big or stick to a certain genre. There’s a wide range of topics for you to write on.
For example, if you have a special set of skills, you can write how-to books and share your insight with the world. If you love fantasy novels, sit down and start working on your epic series.
The best part of writing is that you can do it as much or as little as you want and it’s completely portable. Stick with your day job and write on the side for extra income if you’d like.
5. Ethical Hacker
Imagine the thrill of successfully breaking into a closely guarded computer system. Suddenly all of the system’s secrets and information is right there are your fingertips.
If you’re a “black hat” hacker, you would do this in secret and then steal whatever you found. As an ethical “white hat” hacker, you’ll still take home a tidy sum for doing the same thing — legally.
Companies always want to know where their systems are vulnerable. If you’re good at getting into computer systems and testing programming weaknesses, this could be the perfect profession for you.
6. Custom Car Fabricators
Did you love playing with toy cars as a kid? Maybe the ones that spoke to you were those with the biggest wheels, the brightest colors, and the craziest mods?
You can make those toys street legal by becoming a custom car fabricator. Knowing how to properly mod a car can earn you some serious cash.
You can start by modding existing cars and work your way up to custom built jobs. Use social media to show off your skills and build up your business.
Make your own dream — and others’ — come true by learning how to build crazy rides from the wheels up. Play with grown up toys to pay your grown up bills.
7. Event Planner
Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? Are you super organized and love making lists?
Event planning takes a lot of coordination but once the event is over, you’ll be filled with satisfaction of a job well done. If you work well under pressure, enjoy a good challenge, love working with people, and have superior organization skills, being an event planner is right up your alley.
People skills are a must. You’ll be working with those who are putting on the event along with support staff like venue owners, caterers, and more.
Thinking quick on your feet is also important. If you’ve got a beach event planned but suddenly there’s a thunderstorm on the horizon, you always need a plan B.
Find a niche, like weddings or business meetings, and build from there. This is the perfect job for those who love being creative and thrive under pressure.
More Fun Careers to Consider
Have we got the gears in your brain turning? These are just some of the fun careers out there that you can look for today.
Start with your wildest dream. From there, start looking for jobs that match what you love or want to do.
There are plenty of jobs you can start right away. Many of them you can do from the comfort of your own home.
No matter what job ideas you have, you’ll need some online marketing skills. Learn everything from how to start your own blog to SEO tips and tricks on our site.