Are you a business owner or digital marketer trying to increase your sales and build your business? Do you feel like you’re forever on the roller coaster of trying to get new leads for your sales team?
If so, then you need to make the most of your most valuable asset, your website. Your website never sleeps and never goes on vacation. It can bring you new leads and new sales every day. But only if you maximize your conversion optimization for your site.
Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means or how to implement conversion optimization. We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn the five crucial tips you need to boost your conversion rates today.
1. Start With Your Sales Funnel
It won’t do you any good to bring in new leads or customers if they don’t have anywhere to go. So, be sure to start with your end goal, do you want more sales? Do you want more leads you can follow up with on the phone regarding your services?
Nail your sales funnel first before you move on to the next steps so you don’t find yourself with hundreds of new leads but no capability to capitalize on them.
2. Know Where You Stand Right Now
Before you can get started optimizing your website you need to know where you stand right now. Now that you know what your current conversion rates are you can focus on improving your conversions.
3. You Need to Add Social Proof
Everyone wants to be part of the in-crowd and nobody wants to miss out on the next big trend. So be sure to add social proof to your website so that your visitors can see just how many other visitors are also taking the action you want them to take.
4. You Need to Spend Time Testing and Tweaking
You will never be completely done changing and updating your website. To continually improve your conversion rates you will need to A/B test every landing page, sales page, and social media profile page.
5. Outsource Your Website Design
Yes, you need to add social proof and yes you need to be continually trying to optimization techniques. But, no, you don’t need to be the one doing it. This is an important task, but it can be delegated to an expert. Find a marketing manager or agency you can hire to do this crucial task.
Take Your Conversion Optimization to the Next Level
In simple terms improving your conversion optimization means that more of the people currently visiting your site purchase your product. You haven’t increased year over year sales because you added new products. And you haven’t closed more leads because you hired new salespeople.
All you did was take the time to improve your already existing website so that more of the people visiting becomes leads or customers. And leads can be just as valuable if you follow up with them.
You’ve learned the tip of the iceberg when it comes to optimizing your funnels. You will need to continue to learn more about the best practices for website conversion optimization as you grow your site and your business.
The Only Guide You’ll Need
Now you know the five crucial tips you need to optimize your conversion rates. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can reference these conversion optimization tips any time you need to.
For more great information on this and other topics, check out the rest of our blog.