Creating Employee Satisfaction Reviews That Receive Honest Answers

Digital Marketing and SEO

Are you concerned about employee morale? Employees live in constant fear of performance reviews and management oversight. 

Many owners and managers aren’t sure how to approach staff members for honest feedback. 

Consider an employee satisfaction survey. To create an impeccable survey, make it anonymous. Moreover, use simple wording, and utilize advanced technologies.


This article will explain how to assess employee happiness with an employee survey. Let’s explore. 

Make Your Reviews Anonymous 

Anonymous surveys allow employees to answer questions more honestly. Many employees fear retribution if an employer knows how they answered the inquiry. 

Moreover, anonymity nurtures important critiques that you need to hear. Perhaps you’re not aware of a certain weakness within your company. Use their feedback to improve your operations. 

If you learn that workplace morale is down, find ways to recognize staff achievements. When it comes to recognition, refer to the following examples

  • Monthly newsletters that acknowledge team and individual performances
  • Noting special occasions, such as birthdays and anniversaries
  • Routine support and encouragement

Small recognitions will boost morale over time.

Use Direct Language

To boost employee engagement, avoid corporate jargon that may confuse your employees. A confused employee may misunderstand the question and give a misleading answer.

Overall, write the questionnaire in a conversational tone. Even if your employees are accustomed to technical language and corporate phrases, you should still keep the language simple. Failure to do so may cause employees to rush through the review out of annoyance. 

Understand Your Audience

Tailor your survey in a way that speaks to a particular group or demographic. 

  • Example: The average American reads at a grade level of around 8th grade. Therefore, simplify the wording as much as possible.

If you have international employees, be mindful of cultural differences. Respondents may also answer the questions wrongly due to language barriers.

If you want feedback from an international audience, collaborate with a translator. You can also hire a business consultant from the region to better understand your overseas employees. 

Shorten the Review 

In addition to wording, you should also simplify the survey itself. Don’t make the survey lengthy. A short survey is 15 minutes or less. 

A long survey will frustrate employees, causing them to rush through the questionnaire. Employees who finish too soon are less likely to give detailed answers. 

Use Technology to Your Advantage 

You can also create an online survey to make it more accessible to people. An online survey allows employees to complete the survey on their own time. Moreover, use advanced tools to create a user-friendly experience. 

Employee Satisfaction Surveys Done Right

A stellar employee satisfaction review should encourage honesty and directness. Create an atmosphere where employees can give the unvarnished truth. Further, make the surveys anonymous to encourage openness.

Plus, keep the language basic and direct. Above all, create a short review that gives workers more time to give thoughtful answers. 

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