Around 83% of small business owners attribute their success to digital marketing.
As technology grows more and more popular each year, taking your marketing strategies online is a crucial way to stand out. If you’re still relying on newspapers, going door to door, or handing out flyers, you’re going to get left in the dust!
As we talk about digital marketing, two phrases come up often.
These are CPC and PPC. You may have a brief understanding and just assume that these are the same thing. Well, they actually aren’t.
If you want to learn about the difference between CPC vs PPC, keep reading!
What Is CPC?
CPC means “cost per click.”
CPC is important for understanding how much you should pay when your ad is clicked on. Keeping track of CPC can help you find ways to lower the cost, which will allow you to reach more customers for less money.
Your CPC is calculated depending on the ad network that you’re part of. There are certain factors that will influence your CPC, which is why it’s important to pay close attention.
What Is PPC?
PPC stands for “pay per click.”
This is the rate advertisers pay when their ad is clicked. PPC allows you to gain customers and clients on your site without having to organically grow your following. You can think of PPC as buying an audience.
One way you can boost your audience using PPC is by buying ad space on Google. The more you’re willing to pay, the higher your ad is going to show up in Google search results. The higher you show up, the larger the traffic you’re going to attract!
So, what’s the difference between the two?
Well, CPC is just a small part of your PPC strategy. While many use these terms interchangeably, they are actually not the same thing.
PPC refers to your marketing campaign with methods like buying ads and paying for your place on Google. CPC doesn’t directly contribute to a larger audience or more money for your brand.
If you’re using PPC to grow your audience, you’re going to want to understand the CPC. Understanding CPC is important for learning trends as well as what will make your advertising a little more affordable.
Many people have a fixed amount of money to spend on advertising. Because of this, tracking and planning funds is essential.
For example, if you have an ad related to a celebrity and that celebrity makes headlines, you’re going to be paying a lot more because the clicks are going to double or triple.
Tracking CPC will help you avoid blowing through your advertising funds. As a result, you can advertise with PPC more effectively.
Are You Ready to Advertise
Understanding CPC and PPC is crucial to growing a large following for your brand or website.
While CPC and PPC can seem a bit complicated, they’re actually pretty simple once you break them down. When you learn how to use PPC and CPC for your personal growth, you’ll be glad that you did the research.
So what’s the difference between CPC vs PPC? Well, CPC is only a small part of PPC.
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