How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy That Goes Viral

Videos are, without a doubt, a powerful way to reach customers. However, in the healthcare industry, there are many who wonder what exactly they can do to create a viral video that will help them gain attention from the masses.

The key is to know what to do and how to do it.  When it comes to developing a video marketing strategy, keep the tips here in mind to have the best chance possible of your video going viral.

Do Something that is Already Working


If you want to create a marketing video that has the potential to go viral, the first step is to study what is currently working. Rather than blinding creating a marketing video with the hope that it will go viral, take some time to look at the vehicles that have already made a “splash.”

Look at several of the viral videos from the past few years focused on healthcare and the medical industry. Think about what was done that led to their success. It’s also beneficial to look at what didn’t work.

View videos from doctors or medical companies that completely flopped (there are plenty of these online).

One example of this would be the marketing video from Dollar Shave Club that reached 25 million views through YouTube. It is a quirk and funny video that features the founder Michael Dubin. Viewers like this video because they had the opportunity to see the actual “face” of the brand.

Consider adding the face of your doctor doing the recent TikTok challenge, or the “hot doctor” videos that spread like wildfire around the internet in 2019. Sometimes, finding a “gimmick” like this is the best way to help your healthcare business stand out from the crowd.

This is one of the main reasons that this video was so successful. Create a video and then join your video online to see what kind of results you achieve.

Don’t Become a Victim of the Quality Trap

You should not allow yourself to be boxed in by quality. For example, a news blooper from the BBC has almost four million views. This isn’t a professional production – the clip is actually a poor recording of a news show.

Make mistakes and share this with your patients or customers. It’s a great way to show them you are human and make mistakes, too.

YouTube has actually established an all-new norm when it comes to quality – sleek video will virtually always take a backseat to quality and compelling content. It doesn’t matter if it makes a view cry or laugh – quality isn’t the most important factor.

Get to Know Your Audience

If you want something to “go viral” you may not think about why people are going to be willing to watch the video or who is even going to watch it.

Many people plan for videos in a vacuum. It’s important to remember that the general population doesn’t exist – this is all a fallacy. To create your video, you need to consider who is going to watch it and what they will get from it.

For the healthcare industry, you have a few different audience groups. You have those searching for information and those looking for a new doctor. Find a way to make your practice stand out via video.

Consider this – how long will you watch a YouTube clip before you find something else that is more interesting? About 30 seconds?

You have about half that amount of time to engage your viewers.

Developing the Right Video Marketing Strategy

When it comes to developing a video marketing strategy for your healthcare based business, there are several things that you need to think about. Be sure to keep the tips and information here in mind to have a good shot at creating a viral video.

If you want to learn more about creating a viral video or about other ways to build your business read some of our other blogs.