You’ve built your brand from the ground up. You’ve dedicated a lot of time and effort into doing so. Now that you have a brand to call your own, you need to focus on creating a brand logo.
Cool brand logos don’t just appear overnight. These logos take some planning and a lot of passion. When you know all of the ins and outs of your brand and what drives your passion for your brand, then you have what it takes to create your own amazing design.
To get started on your own creation, continue reading below. Here’s everything you need to know about creating cool brand logos!
1. Keep Your Brand in Mind
When creating and designing your brand’s logo, you need to keep your brand in mind. What unique features does your brand have? What colors are you already using with your brand?
Always keep your brand in mind as your logo is a representation of your brand! For example, if your brand is focused on all-natural products, then your brand should reflect this as well.
If you’re not sure what the main focus of your brand is yet, then consider working with a branding agency!
2. Stay Inspired
Inspiration can come from just about anywhere. Keep an eye out for everything and anything around you that might call out to you. Other brand’s logos can spark inspiration, but you’ll need to be careful never to copy their logo.
You can always pull ideas from them without recreating the same exact thing. Staying unique and true to your brand are two wonderful ways to ensure that you create an awesome brand logo!
3. Choose Your Colors
When choosing the colors for your logo, think about what colors your brand already uses. You want people to see your logo and immediately recognize that it’s your brand. Think about popular food chains, for example.
They all use the same colors for their logos, their buildings, and their packaging. This helps you distinguish where something came from. Aside from using your brand’s colors, you should also think about what colors go well with one another and which colors speak to the mood you want to portray.
4. Keep it Simple
One of the last things that you need to remember is to keep things simple. Trying to add too much into your logo might actually steer viewers away from it. You want it to be something that’s easy to read, yet gets your point across.
Some logos don’t even need to use words to show people the brand’s purpose.
Cool Brand Logos Start with Imagination and a Love for Your Brand!
If you’re looking to create cool brand logos, then using these tips above is a great first step! Keeps these helpful tips in mind and remember that your love for your brand and your creative imagination are going to be the most beneficial pieces to creating your logo!
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