Did you know that the value of all commercial real estate properties in the U.S. amount to $6 trillion? Its biggest consumer is the retail sector, which accounts for a whopping $2.1 trillion. Whereas office buildings account for 29%, or a staggering $1.7 trillion.
With so much money going towards offices, one would think that it’s a haven of productivity, right?
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. For one, because unhappy workers are everywhere, and they’re not being productive. In fact, their non-productivity costs U.S. businesses up to $550 billion every year.
Here’s some good news though: A cool office designed to hike creativity can turn this around. An innovative office can keep your talents productive and away from negative emotions.
The question is, what exactly goes into transforming your office into a hub of creativity? What additions and upgrades can you do to make it a happy place for your talents?
All that, we’ll uncover in this list of office design ideas, so be sure to keep reading!
1. Pave the Way for a Greenhouse
One of the coolest office space decor ideas to include in your own workplace is to add a greenhouse. One that can serve not only as a place to bring in more plants into the office but also as a place to convene.
Indoor plants, on their own, already benefit humans by removing toxins from the air. In fact, NASA found that houseplants remove volatile organic compounds in the air. As a result, they help counter the symptoms of the so-called “Sick Building Syndrome”.
It’s in the same way that indoor plants improve air quality inside buildings.
Also, their green hues and other vivid colors can spruce up any bare, boring space. When our eyes feast on something pretty, it tends to kick off our creativity. Many others would even feel encouraged to make something beautiful on their own.
Moreover, indoor plants can help boost concentration and productivity by up to 15%. People who work in “leafy” offices” also reported better concentration. They also cited having higher levels of workplace satisfaction.
2. Walking on Sunshine
Plants aren’t the only things that need sunlight in your office — you and the rest of your people do too. After all, Americans spend 90% of their time cooped up inside, so they barely get any sunlight.
The thing is, marketers and advertisers are often faced with such time-consuming projects. They end up no longer having the time to step outside.
That’s why cool office spaces for marketing pros incorporate warm, Vitamin D-filled sunlight. This vitamin itself is key to healthy bones, teeth, immune system, heart, and lungs. More than that, it supports the health of the brain, which is a must for creative folks.
A study also found that natural light enhances moods, which in turn boosts creativity. The study looked at high school students who designed collages. Those who did their projects in sunlight-filled environments produced more innovative results.
So, how can you introduce more sunlight into the office? Aside from a greenhouse, you can also add skylights to the building design. Also, take advantage of your office’s large picture windows by drawing those curtains!
3. A Mix of Closed Doors and Open Spaces
Digital marketers need both private and collaborative spaces for various tasks. For instance, storyboard creators and copywriters usually have individual tasks. Whereas the media team, like photographers and videographers, need a space to collaborate.
That’s why digital marketing firms need the best of both worlds.
Luckily, open-space floor plans are versatile, so it’s easy to “add” private offices to them. Think cool office furniture, like portable workstations and pod-like cubicles. You can easily set these up in strategic areas (AKA most quiet spots) around the workplace.
Already plan to add private offices into your open-space floor plan but at loss of how to do it? You can browse here for more cool ideas to outfit your office with innovative designs.
4. Bringing the Heart of the Home to the Workplace
Today, 82% of the meals that folks in the U.S. feast on are home-prepared. What’s more, they now eat fewer restaurant meals — from 216 back in 2000, they only ate out 185 times in 2018.
That proves that the heart of the home has revived and is now pumping harder. So, why not incorporate this into your digital marketing office? By adding a kitchen to the office, you can encourage your people to bring (and reheat) home-made meals.
It’s also a good idea to set the kitchen or pantry that’s super accessible to everyone. This can be right next to the greenhouse, smack in the center of the floor. This way, your talented people will feel more motivated to take much-needed breaks.
5. Play Hard, Work Harder
Did you know that there’s an office with its very own indoor rock-climbing wall? Another one has a music room complete with black lights and turntables. In yet another workplace, there’s a room dedicated to playing video games.
All these offices are under one giant company — none other than Google. Big G even treats its 64,000 employees to not only free food but healthy, gourmet meals! That’s how awesome Google offices are, so it’s no wonder many consider it as the best place to work for in America.
That said, why not take a page out of Google’s book and set your office up with a playroom? Reward your hardworking creatives with a place they can de-stress and decompress. It doesn’t have to be as fancy as Google’s, but it should be comfy and fun enough to allow relaxation.
6. Make Room for Everyone, Including Furry Friends
Considering that 85 million families in the U.S. are pet owners, many of your talents are likely part of this group. And for most people, their pets are families, and a source of emotional support. In fact, almost three-fourths of pet owners say their pet helps boost their mental health.
In a field as demanding as digital marketing, this is no doubt beneficial to everyone.
That’s why the coolest offices are those that allow workers to bring their pets to the job. You can become one of these cool workplaces by setting up a “nursery” for everyone’s furry friends. That way, your people can see their beloved pals anytime they’re feeling the stress of the job.
Transform Your Bland Workplace into a Cool Office Now
There you have it, some of the best ideas to turn the workplace into a cool office that produces amazing results. You don’t have to do them all at once — start with something easy, such as a small greenhouse or pantry. From there, you can move up the ladder and incorporate more of these ideas.
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