Everywhere and nowhere at once. That is the essence of multi channel marketing, and it’s how business-to-business outreach happens. Your business needs visibility, and the only way that can truly happen is if you reach out with your branding across multiple platforms.
A smart advertising campaign caters to existing customers and brings in new clients. This technique lets your customers see your brand everywhere. Channels include websites, email, social media outlets, Google pages, and professional networks. When executed well, these campaigns are a transparent but effective means of boosting your sales.
What Is Multi Channel Marketing?
Marketing has always been data-driven. No single channel is effective enough to convert leads to clients, or even to make them remember you. Today’s customers have very specific habits, and you need to use multiple platforms to reach them all.
For example, your company may be running a sale on large presentation boards. You can reach your audience on Instagram by showing photos of great presentations. You can start a Facebook post about how large presentation boards are used, or send office-bound buyers an email containing a coupon.
Multi Channel Marketing Tools
Choosing the right tools for the job is the first big decision when embarking on a multi-channel campaign. Here’s an overview of some tools to use for each platform.
Email Campaign Software
You’ll want to start at the end and work backward. If you’re going to design an email blast, do you have an accurate mailing list?
Are you going to ask the recipient to click on something in the email? Where does that take them?
One popular email marketing aid is MailChimp. This tool allows you to set up different audiences, create campaigns, generate engagement reports, and automate mailings.
Customer Relationship Management Software
Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM) maintains a complete profile of a company’s customers. It tracks customer information down to the last phone call made to them. This software makes customer data available to team members to produce consistent service. An example of a CRM is Salesforce.
Social Media Marketing Software
Software tools to track social media marketing (SMM) efforts are more critical than ever. Twitter and Facebook provide specific data about customers’ habits and opinions, and that data is worth everything to a good marketing campaign. A popular SMM tool is Hubspot, and there are even tips for specific industries available online.
Marketing Tool Integration
It’s important to understand that these tools work together to form a robust platform from which to build a campaign. Integration is the key to coordinate all these channels with a consistent message. There is Hubspot MailChimp integration, and Salesforce has third-party modules for social media tracking.
Between these three, and some good email marketing advice, you can be on your way to an effective multi channel marketing campaign that will grow your business and drive future sales.