What is Visibility and How Can It Help My Optometry Website?

what is visibility

Still not sure if you should invest more in your optometry website?

First off, keep in mind that the eyewear industry market continues to grow. It’s expected to have at least a $142 billion market by 2020. What this means is that the competition is getting fiercer as the years go by.

In today’s world, you have to rise above the competition not only in your local town but in the online one too.


The key to success is to increase your visibility online. What is visibility, you might ask? It’s a metric compiled from a lot of search factors. It’s calculated for you to know the level of your online presence.

This helps you plan your next action to make your marketing strategy better. Are you ready to learn its benefits to your website? Read on and find out.

What is Visibility and How Is It Calculated?

To calculate the search engines visibility level, you need some data to determine its value. The information includes the relevant keyword search volume as well as ranking positions. This means the frequency of the keywords appearing in organic search engine results in Google and the like.

Each of these has their weight in calculating your visibility. It also counts your Click-Through Rate (CTR). This means that the websites listed first have more clicks compared to the ones further down the page.

Your SEO Visibility is higher if your optometry website is higher up the search results list.

What Does Visibility Tell You?

Your visibility determines the exposure your website gets in the search results. This happens when people enter their queries into the search engine. It mostly counts when people use desktop computers.

It’s a guide for you to know and check on possible problems and opportunities to optimize.

It’s also possible to compare your website to your competitors. You can do this by checking their search engine performance.

You can make comparisons and draw your conclusions. You can base it on their performance compared to your website. You can check for possible trends or significant search engine ranking changes.

It always happens when Google updates its algorithms. This can help you prepare a reaction whenever these changes happen.

What is Historic SEO Visibility?

You need to re-evaluate your visibility on a regular basis. It needs updating every week. This is to ensure that you know your performance stays consistent over time.

You need to check the historic SEO visibility regularly. This helps analyze your website progression over the course of several years.

It’s especially important since it determines where changes might have happened. This helps you understand the technical changes that affect your search engine ranking. Some of these changes can include Google updates on their algorithm.

What Makes Your Visibility Higher?

There are a lot of things you can do to make your SEO visibility higher. First and foremost, you need to know which elements to pay attention to. Here are some that you should put a lot of effort into:

1. Custom Website

It’s a common practice for healthcare professionals to depend on an SEO business. When you do, you need to ensure that you’re getting the right professional service. Template designs are cheap since it’s fast to make and easy to put up.

Custom websites are more expensive to make on a short-term basis. It takes longer for websites like this to start up and function. The main advantage of custom websites is the fact that it always has a higher rate of visibility.

The reason behind it is the fact that search engines look for more unique websites. They see these as more relevant to search queries so it gets a boost in rankings. View here for more examples of unique optometry websites.

2. Unique Content

Always remember that content is king when it comes to increasing visibility. Search engines will always look at your content. They will check everything to know whether you have relevance to the queries. These will check your meta descriptions that come with your images and determine its value.

It’s important to have unique content to ensure that you have higher visibility. If the search engines see that you have similar content to other websites, you might get penalized. That means you need to have a constant stream of new, unique, and updated content to get visibility.

Updated content means that your website is active and more relevant. If you want your optometrist website to improve in rankings, put uniqueness and freshness above all. It might take a lot of effort to do so, but the benefits outweigh the inconvenience.

3. Mobile Responsiveness

Majority of people use mobile devices to browse the internet. It’s a necessity for your website to be friendly to phones and tablets. Do this and your visitors will thank you for the ease of access and navigation you offer.

By the end of their experience, they’re more likely to give your business a try. Also, when people look for websites using their mobile devices, search engines prioritize the ones compatible with their gadget. If your website can cater to any device, it becomes easier for you to get more visibility.

3. Updated Blog

Search engines will examine the links stored within your website. The more quality links you offer, the higher your visibility is going to be. This becomes more apparent when you use relevant links to the search query your potential customers did.

It also adds more benefits for social media marketing since the blog posts you make are often shareable on these platforms. Each post can become an internal link to the website, making it more relevant.

Discover More Digital Marketing Tips Today!

What is visibility? In a nutshell, it’s about increasing your rank on Google to drive more traffic.

Getting the visibility your website needs can become a challenge, especially since the optometry market is competitive.

You might want to get professionals to ensure that your content and website is at optimal operation. This helps you achieve the visibility you need to become more recognized by a larger audience.

Do you need help choosing the right company for your SEO needs?

Visit us today and read our other guides. Check out this post to learn more about the things you need to look for in SEO companies.