Website Survivalist Guide To Google Updates

updates for googleWonder why your site has disappeared from search results?  Google algorithm updates might be the culprit!

Every few months, Google changes its ranking algorithm to provide a better user experience. Some updates target duplicate content or bad links. Others penalize websites with a poor structure or lots of pop-ups.

Considering that Google handles 3.5 billion searches, any change in its algorithm can affect your site. Common mistakes, such as using too many keywords, may impact traffic and bounce rates.


The only way to avoid penalties is to use good SEO. Quality content, keyword research, and relevant links are crucial to surviving the latest updates for Google.

Feeling confused? Here are some SEO tips to help you out:

Follow Google’s Rules

Your website is like a huge playground. You can post anything you want, try new strategies, and bring your ideas to life. However, you still need to follow some rules.

Read Google’s web developers guide and optimize your site accordingly. Like it or not, your online business can’t survive without Google.

Use Good SEO Practices

Next, make sure your website is optimized for the search engines. Steer clear of black SEO and use proven optimization strategies.

Check out previous updates for Google to get an idea of what to avoid.

Hummingbird, for instance, targeted websites with poor quality content and keyword stuffing. Penguin penalized sites with irrelevant links. Fred, the latest algorithm change, affected websites featuring ad-centered content.

If you’re not sure what to do, contact a professional.

Go Mobile

Google has made it clear that mobile-friendly sites receive a boost in search results. Thus, it’s crucial to optimize your website for mobile devices.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check your pages and detect potential issues. If necessary, switch to a responsive theme.

Get rid of pop-ups, Flash, and large images. Add rich snippets and use compression tools to remove unnecessary code. Aim for functionality and make your content easily accessible.

Focus on Quality

The end goal of Google updates is to improve user experience. If you want to survive these changes, prioritize quality.

Write content with your readers in mind, not just for driving traffic. Use relevant keywords that help customers find your products with ease. Build quality links that add value to your posts.

Aim for longer form content of at least 1,200 words. Cover the topic in-depth and make sure your keywords flow smoothly. Update your site with new posts regularly.

Don’t Fear the Latest Updates for Google

Google updates shouldn’t be a cause for concern. If you follow the rules and provide quality content, you have no reasons to worry.

Make sure your SEO strategies are evergreen and adhere to the best practices. Keep an eye on the latest algorithm changes and take the steps needed to avoid penalties. Be patient and trust the process.

How do you optimize your site for Google? Share your go-to strategies in our comments section.