Where Does AdWords Traffic Come From?
One of the misunderstandings people new to AdWords have is about where traffic comes from. You might think that all the traffic comes from one place. No, this isn't so � Google allows you to choose from several places to get or not to get traffic from. Of course, you can choose all or a couple of these places but in order to be able to do it, you need to know your options.
Search Ads
Search ads is
another option to get traffic from. The Search Network means your ads
will be shown as paid links in Google search results, as well as in
the search results of search partners (if you want, you can exclude
the partners), as shown in the screenshot below
Display Ads
When you choose to use the Display
Network, your ads will appear on sites, blogs, and applications
that run Google AdSense, as well as some Google sites, such as Google
Finance, Gmail, Blogger and YouTube. Through the additional options
explained in the Display
Network chapter, you can choose if your ads will appear on
mobiles and as re-marketed.
You can use the Display Network separately or in conjunction with
other services, such as Search ads.
Other Options
Display ads and Search ads might be the most popular choices but
there are other options, such mobile ads, video ads, and ads in
Google Maps and Places to consider as well.
As you can expect, mobile ads show on mobile devices only and they
are available for both Display and Search ads. Video ads are obvious
� instead of a banner, you upload a video of your product.
Technically Google Maps and Google
Places are not AdWords services but since they are two more options to advertise locally, have them in mind as well.